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Hold On To Your Crown: Don’t Let Anything Rob You Of The Anticipation Of Jesus’ Soon Arrival

Writer's picture: Agape Simple ChurchAgape Simple Church

It’s been a while since I have heard someone say, “Hold on to your hat!” It’s an old expression that signifies preparing for whatever might lie ahead. For me, it still points to a bumpy ride ahead, during which time I might lose my hat if I’m wearing one.

Jesus said something similar in His message to the church at Philadelphia: “I am coming soon. Hold fast what you have, so that no one may seize your crown” (Revelation 3:11).

A loose rendering of this verse might be, “Hold on to your crown.”

In the context, Jesus praises the church for its “patient endurance” (Revelation 3:10) and notes that He is “coming soon” or quickly. His message commends believers for holding fast to His word amid opposition as they waited expectantly for His appearing.

As 2024 ends, many of us wonder how much longer it will be until the Lord appears to take us home to glory. I know of many saints who suffer from various afflictions as they await meeting our Saviour in the air. Many of us feel the effects of aging, which makes us long all the more for fulfilment of 1 Corinthians 15:47-55, our receipt of immortal bodies that will never grow old, get sick, or wear out.

It’s likely we don’t have a whole lot longer to wait. The events of 2024 have brought us to the brink of the start of the seven-year Tribulation and, thus, to the Rapture. Don’t let the start of yet another year diminish your expectation of our “blessed hope.”

If we are to keep our eyes on the prize that awaits us, we must not allow the following detours to derail our anticipation of Jesus’ soon arrival:

Stifling Silence from the Pulpits

Many pastors never mention our “blessed hope” because of either their adherence to false beliefs or out of concern that the word “Rapture” might offend attenders and impact the giving. Far too often, their top concern is that of filling the seats and money flow rather than that of ministering to the needs of the saints who long for a biblical perspective in a world that is growing darker by the day. Despite the myriad of signs pointing to the start of the Tribulation period, the world’s normality bias permeates their weekly sermons.

False Teaching

During the past several years, I have heard three pastors state their belief that all believers alive today will die before Jesus returns at the end of the age. Such statements clearly contradict Scripture, which tells us that some saints will remain alive until the time we all meet Jesus in the air (1 Thessalonians 4:17). The Lord told us to watch for his coming (Matthew 24:42-44; 25:13); how is it possible to obey this command if we assume He cannot appear to take us home during our lifetime?

Most pastors today adhere to the errant teaching that God has rejected Israel and replaced the nation with the church. The viewpoint, known as Replacement Theology, has many offshoots that all deny God’s many promises to restore a kingdom to Israel. None of those who hold to this doctrine teach believers to watch for Jesus’ return as He instructed His followers to do. They push it to the far distant end of the age.

Messages We Encounter on Social Media

Earlier this month, I read someone’s claim of a near-death experience, during which time the Lord told her to warn believers to prepare for future cataclysmic events similar to those in the book of Revelation. The clear implication of her encounter was that the church would endure the ravages of the coming seven-year Tribulation and thus needed to get ready for it.

I don’t know what we might experience between now and the Rapture, but we have the Lord’s solemn promise that we will not experience the wrath of the Day of the Lord (1 Thessalonians 5:1-11). The New Testament pictures Jesus’ appearing as something that can happen at any moment (Philippians 3:20-21; James 5:7-9; 1 Corinthians 1:7). The Lord Himself promised that He would keep us out of “the hour of trial that is coming on the whole world to try those who dwell on the earth.” He followed that by saying, “I am coming quickly” (Revelation 3:10-11a).

Don’t let stories on Social Media lead you astray; test everything you read or hear with the words of Scripture.

Don’t Give Up Hope

The longer we wait for the Rapture, the more I understand Jesus’ words in Revelation 3:11. He knew of all the temptations we would face to stop watching for His soon return. Perhaps that’s why He reminded the church at Philadelphia, and us, not to give up hope in these last days.

What is the crown that Jesus tells us to hold on to in Revelation 3:11? I believe it’s the one that Paul wrote about in 2 Timothy 4:8: “Henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award to me on that day, and not only to me but also to all who have loved his appearing.”

Keep looking up, and by all means, hold on to your hat, or in this case, your crown. The Lord will reward your continued faithfulness in eagerly watching for His appearing. Not only are we in the season of Jesus’ appearing, but we live during its end. If there ever was a time to watch for the Rapture, this is it!

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Agape Simple Church


Colchester, Essex United Kingdom

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