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"Que votre lumière brille ainsi devant les hommes, afin qu'ils voient vos bonnes œuvres et glorifient votre Père qui est aux cieux." Matthieu 5:16

Une opportunité pour les jeunes de grandir ensemble dans leur relation avec le Christ en profitant d'un moment d'étude biblique amusant et pratique. L'objectif est de fournir une atmosphère qui leur apprendra comment atteindre leurs amis pour Christ et leur permettra de discuter des problèmes difficiles auxquels ils sont confrontés quotidiennement.

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Lesson 1

The at-home-assignments will prepare you for taking the next step – applying what you’re learning in the real world. 

1. At-Home-Preparation: Imagine that you are sound asleep in bed, and your house is on fire. There's a fire station next door. What virtues would you want the firefighters to have? Write them down (alertness, training, courage, concern for others, etc). Ask yourself whether you have those necessary virtues as a Christian. Indicate which ones you think you possess and which you need to work on. 

2. Real-World Application: Call two people from your church and say, "I'm taking an evangelism course called 'The Way of the Master,' and as part of the homework, I need to ask someone a few questions. Can you help me with this?" Then ask the following questions:

  • Do you share your faith regularly? (Many people feel they "share their faith" if they mention God or church, so ask what they mean.) Do you go out if your way to verbally share the gospel with strangers?

  • What is the main reason you don't share your faith more often?​

Write down their answers and bring to the next session

3. For Deeper Study: See PDF 



Lesson 2

The at-home-assignments will prepare you for taking the next step – applying what you’re learning in the real world. 

1. At-Home-Preparation: Go back in your mind to your conversion experience, and try to recall the thoughts of that day. What do you think was your greatest sin? Was there a knowledge of future punishment? Think of what have happened to you if you had died in your sins. Then write out a prayer expressing your gratitude to God for the cross. 

2. Real-World Application: Perhaps you don't have an outgoing personality. If you prefer to keep to yourself, ask God to help you change that, for the sake of the lost. A firefighter may be the personality type that likes to stay alone in the comfort of a fire truck and read books, but if he wants to do what he knows he should , he must change that attitude. So, as a first step out of the "truck," make the effort this week to practice being friendly and greeting complete strangers each day until the next session. When you walk into grocery store, the gas station, school, or work, give a friendly greeting to people you don't know. (Of course, be friendly with those you do know, too!) If you don't normally rub shoulders with strangers, go somewhere where you can. It may seem difficult at first to greet a complete stranger, but force yourself to say, "Hi. How are you doing?" Try it and you will see that it really isn't difficult at all. In fact, it will almost certainly bring smiles to people's faces and make you feel good yourself. But remember that you will have to take the initiative. Strive to greet at least ten strangers before the next session. Although this may seem awkward, it's a very important step toward sharing your faith. 

3. For Deeper Study: See PDF 

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Lesson 3

The at-home-assignments will prepare you for taking the next step – applying what you’re learning in the real world. 

1. At-Home-Preparation: Stand in front of a mirror. Make sure no one is around or can hear you. Look directly at your image and ask a friendly, "How are you doing?" Of course, you are going to feel a little foolish, but no one is watching except God. Then ask, "Did you get one of these?" Offer your reflection a tract, saying, "It's a gospel tract. Do you have a Christian background?" Then inquire, "What do you think happened after someone dies? Do you believe in heaven and hell?" Continue asking these questions until you shake off any self consciousness. Get used to the sound of your own voice. remember, you've not a weirdo and you don't sound like one. You are a warm and friendly Christian who genuinely cares about people. Keep practicing saying these things until it feels natural. If you don't feel comfortable doing this, repeat it again and again until you do. 

2. Real-World Application: Carry tracts with you as you go through the week, leaving tracts where people will find them. For example, the IQ Cards fit great in any credit card slot. Every time you go to a gas station, leave a tract in the card slot at the pump. The next person will have to take it out to put his credit card in, and will appreciate having something to read while he's filling his gas tank. Place one in the ATM machine before you leave. Every time you go to the grocery store, discreetly go down the beer aisle, placing tracts in the top slot in the beer cases. Leave a £1 million bill in the tube at the back drive-through, and put one in the tip jar at Starbucks/Costa Coffee. Place £1 million bills sticking out your shirt pocket, and people will ask you about them. How great to have lost people asking you got gospel tracts. Then as you lay your head on your pillow at night, there will be a deep sense of satisfaction knowing that you're planting seeds that could result in someone finding everlasting life. See places you can leave tracks here opposite. 

3. For Deeper Study: See PDF 

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Lesson 4

The at-home-assignments will prepare you for taking the next step – applying what you’re learning in the real world. 

1. At-Home-Preparation: As you shower each day, practice bringing up the subject of God. Don't worry about people hearing you; your family has probably heard you talking to yourself in the shower anyway. Here are a few suggestions to help you get started: 

  • "What do you thing about all these bad weather and wars all over the world? We never know when a tragedy may strike. Have you thought about what would happen to you if you died?"

  • "What do you think of the 'these new viruses and rise in cancers in both the young and old? Scary, isn't it? Makes me think about how precious life is. What do you think happens when a person dies?"

  • "Have you noticed how much we hear on the news about religion these days - religious movies, TV shows, celebrity beliefs, etc. Do you have a religious background?"

Thinking through several different ways to bring up the subject of God, and hearing yourself say them out loud, will make you feel much more comfortable and confident as you talk with people.

2. Real-World Application: Okay, get ready for sweaty palms. If you feel confident, as you continue to leave or give out tracts this week, warmly greet strangers then hand them your favourite Ice Breaker tract. Simply give it to the person the same way you did in class. You can do this! For example, when you're at the checkout stand, greet the cashier and give him a tract as you're leaving. Or as you're going through a fast-food drive-through, engage the person in a conversation about his job or his day. You want him to warm to you. Pass him a tract, say, "Please read this when you've got a minute" and then drop the pedal to the metal and drive away saying to yourself, 1 did it! Thank you, Lord." Better to do it and run than to not do it at all. This may sound scary, but think of that person's eternal welfare. Then consider your worst-case scenario. You may hear, "No, thanks." If that happens, deal with it. It won't be pleasant to be rejected, but it isn't the end of the world. But more than likely, the person will take the tract, and even thank you for it. Again, remember to smile and offer a warm greeting like, "Good morning. How are you doing?" Just the person's response will help dissipate your fears. Then when you ask, "Did you get one of these?" he will be more likely to respond positively because of your friendly greeting. And if someone asks what it is, just say, "It's a gospel tract" or "It has a gospel message on it. Please take the time to read it. Nice to meet you." If you handout the $1 Million Bill, you may want to say, "It has a million-dollar question on the back. Be sure to read it!"

3. For Deeper Study: See PDF 

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Lesson 5

The at-home-assignments will prepare you for taking the next step – applying what you’re learning in the real world. 

1. At-Home-Preparation: Take out your Quick Reference Card and have a friend or family member test your memory. Once you are confident that you can remember what each letter signifies, go back to your mirror and give your friendly, "How are you doing?" Then swing to the subject of God.  If you prefer, use an Ice Breaker and ask, "Did you get one of these?" Practice your routine. Say, "It's a gospel tract. What do you think happens after someone dies? Do believe in heaven and hell?" Now go through WDJD and CRAFT. Keep doing it until you overcome any self-consciousness. Review the card a hundred times a day if you have to.

2. Real-World Application: Time for more sweaty palms. Last week, you were asked to give out tracts, and if you felt confident, to go ahead and hand them to people personally. Remember, you were to greet someone with a warm, "Good morning. How are you doing? Did you get one of these?" If the person asked you what it was, you said, "It's a gospel tract" or, "It has a gospel message on it. Please take the time to read it. Nice to meet you." You were then left with the option to stay and chat or to leave. More than likely, you left. This week, making personal contact is not optional. Before the next session, we want you to hand a gospel tract to at least one non-Christian, if you haven't done so yet. If you've already been doing then feel free to either leave or talk further, using the WDJD card for reference. (Be sure to always carry this card with you!). We gave you a couple ideas of places to visit, but it's up to you to make this part of your lifestyle. Wherever you go, take tracts with you and hand them to people personally. And whatever you do, soak it in prayer, before and afterward. Remember the employee at the drive-through window, people in the coffee shop, the grocery store checker, the person in the elevator, the pizza delivery man... whoever. You make the opportunity.
So spend the next week being friendly and giving people Ice Breakers until it becomes second nature. You can do this!

3. For Deeper Study: See PDF 

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